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Sicyon Unit Converter 3.9 Measurement unit conversion software

Sicyon Unit Converter

Free Download

Sicyon Unit Converter 3 Free Download and offline installer for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. Sicyon Unit Converter offers you great versatility of conversions with more than 400 units of measurement in 63 categories.

Overview of Sicyon Unit Converter (Measurement unit conversion software)

Sicyon Unit Converter is all you would ever need from units converter. It offers you great versatility of conversions with more than 400 units of measurement in 63 categories. The application can help you transform one measurement unit to another in just a couple of seconds. By entering the amount of units and the unit you need converted, as well as the type you want to transform it to, you are able to instantly find out the appropriate value expressed in the converted unit.

Sicyon Unit Converter - Measurement unit conversion software

Furthermore, you can see the notations, as well as the standard units involved in the composition of a dimension. This can help you understand how a measurement unit is related to another.

Features of Sicyon Unit Converter

  • Simple to use. Smooth learning curve with mode for beginners.
  • More than 400 units in 63 categories.
  • Immediate conversion, convert the value you enter as you type it.
  • Unit-by-unit conversions for covering all possible source/target dimensions.
  • An utility similar to what the most of units converters offer - a conversion within one category.
  • Edit utility to compose your source dimension.
  • Convert units into their equivalent base units (e.g.[N]=[m/s^2]).
  • Log the last 200 conversions. You can retrieve any logged conversion.
  • Totally customizable units data file with the help of special editor, that allows you to add, modify or hide any unit or category.

Sicyon Unit Converter is integrated in Sicyon calculator, so on the top of all the sophisticated features of the stand-alone version, you can covert units in-line.

41 Rated
Operating system Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
License freeware
Language English
Latest updates
File size 3.3 Mb
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