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Weather data & microclimate: Weather Underground 6.15.0 Premium APK

Weather data & microclimate: Weather Underground

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Free Download Weather data & microclimate: Weather Underground 6 full version and offline installer for Android 7.0+. The world's most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to an interactive doppler weather radar, satellite maps.

Overview of Weather data & microclimate: Weather Underground (Premium APK)

Weather Underground provides the world's most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to an interactive doppler weather radar, satellite maps and severe weather alerts. Powered by our unique community of weather enthusiasts reporting live weather data from over 270,000 personal weather stations, this crowd-sourced data generates accurate forecasts targeted to your precise location for your microclimate.

Check current & future weather conditions for your micro-climate

  • Temperature in the notification bar: instantly view current temperature and weather conditions
  • View current weather conditions from your local weather station including temperature, feels like, wind speed & direction, humidity, dew point, visibility
  • Plan for the week with 10-day daily & hourly weather forecasts
  • Interactive weather map shows all the personal weather stations in your neighborhood with animated noaa radar, satellite, and much more data
  • Hurricane track maps
  • Save your favorite locations and recent searches
  • Smart Weather Forecasts - set your ideal weather conditions for your outdoor activities and we’ll tell you when to go
  • Explore detailed weather data like air quality, UV index, sunrise & sunset and moonrise & moonset
  • Keep an eye out for extreme weather with severe weather alerts for your microclimate
  • Customizable weather widgets - choose from different colors, sizes and update intervals
  • Personalize your app experience with light & dark modes, map types, units and rearrangeable tiles
  • Discover real-time weather from webcams around the world

What makes Weather Underground different from other weather apps?

Accurate hyper-local forecasts

  • Our 270,000+ personal weather stations report the most accurate weather conditions for your microclimate. The data that we collect from personal weather stations fills in the gaps between the airport weather stations that other weather services rely upon to generate accurate weather forecasts - meaning our data is generated from actual data points in your neighborhood.

Interactive noaa radar maps & hyper local severe weather

  • The most interactive weather map on mobile allows you to select from different weather overlays including current weather conditions, animated live noaa doppler radar, satellite, weather webcams and severe weather alerts. Customize the map by selecting specific weather data layers or choose from the various map presets. Keep an eye out for extreme weather and always be prepared with severe weather alerts.

Report your local weather

  • Tell us if the sky conditions we’re reporting are what you're actually observing. If you see something different you can report the current weather conditions in your location for the benefit of other app users. Hazard reports allow you to report any hazardous road conditions to help other people in your area.
51 Rated
Operating system Android 7.0+
License full_version
Language English
Latest updates
File size 51 Mb
Download 194
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