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Chemistry 4.15 APK Download


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Free Download Chemistry 4 full version and offline installer for Android 4.3+. Allows you to find chemical reactions and to solve the chemical equations with one or multiple unknown variables.

Overview of Chemistry (APK Download)

The Chemistry application allows you to find chemical reactions and to solve the chemical equations with one or multiple unknown variables. You'll always have Mendeleev's Periodic Table and Solubility table handy! And even the calculator of Molar Masses is now on your phone!

Do you want to know what kind of chemical reaction will happen if you mix certain substances? Or maybe you want to know what substance you need to get a desired reaction? With the Chemistry app, you can do both of those things and more! Not only can the app find the equations of chemical reactions, but it can also help you with organic and inorganic chemistry. The app will even draw the formulas for you!

In addition to the equation solver, the app also comes with a few handy tables and charts, including a solubility table, a chart of electronegativities, and a reactivity series of metals. Plus, all of the tables and charts including the Periodic Table are interactive, so you can zoom in for a closer look or zoom out to see the entire table.

The periodic table of elements is one of the most important tools in chemistry. The periodic table is essential for understanding the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules. It also provides a useful framework for predicting the properties of new and unknown elements.

All these chemical tables and charts are available in the app

  • Periodic table
  • Offline access to information about chemical elements
  • Solubility table
  • Electronegativities of the elements
  • Molecular masses of organic substances
  • Reactivity series of metals
  • Acid strength chart
  • Molar mass calculator
  • Images of chemical elements
  • Acids, anions, salts list
  • Standard electrode potential
  • Standard reduction potentials at 25°C
51 Rated
Operating system Android 4.3+
License full_version
Language Multilingual
Latest updates
File size 27 Mb
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