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ISS Detector Pro v2.05.06 APK Download

ISS Detector Pro

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Free Download ISS Detector Pro v2 full version and offline installer for Android 5.0+. Allows users to track the International Space Station (ISS) and other satellites as they pass overhead.

Overview of ISS Detector Pro (APK Download)

ISS Detector Pro is a popular mobile app that allows users to track the International Space Station (ISS) and other satellites as they pass overhead. The app provides real-time information on when the ISS and other satellites will be visible from your location and where to look in the sky to see them.

ISS Detector Pro will tell you when and where to look for the International Space Station or Iridium flares. You get an alarm a few minutes before a pass. You will never miss a pass of the International Space Station and you will never miss the bright flashes of the iridium communication satellites. ISS Detector will also check if the weather conditions are right. A clear sky is perfect for spotting.

  • Overview of the coming passes
  • Weather conditions for perfect sightings
  • Notifications and Alarms
  • Share sightings on social media.

You can see more in the night sky

  • Radio Amateur Satellites
  • Track dozens of ham and weather satellites. Includes transmitter frequencies and Doppler shift calculations.

Famous Objects

  • Track Hubble, X-37B, Fitsat, Tiangong, Rocket bodies and more. Most are visible.

Comets and Planets

  • Track comets as they come closer to earth and become bright enough to see.
51 Rated
Operating system Android 5.0+
License full_version
Language English
Latest updates
File size 14 Mb
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