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Vovsoft RAM Benchmark 1.0 Measures RAM performance

Vovsoft RAM Benchmark

Free Download

Vovsoft RAM Benchmark 1.0 Free Download and offline installer for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11. A benchmarking utility designed to test and assess the performance of your RAM, revealing the speed of the memory.

Overview of Vovsoft RAM Benchmark (Measures RAM performance)

Vovsoft RAM Benchmark

Vovsoft RAM Benchmark is a benchmarking utility designed to test and assess the performance of your RAM, revealing the speed of the memory. Vovsoft RAM Benchmark provides a means of assessing the performance of memories by running a benchmark test to find RAM speed. In an attempt to keep things as simple as possible, Vovsoft RAM Benchmark features a minimalistic interface that only allows you to start the test with the click of a button.

Memory benchmark tool:

The application is a free memory benchmark tool and it supports DDR5, DDR4, DDR3, DDR2, DDR1 and SDRAM types. It usually doesn't take long before the result of the benchmark test is shown on the screen. The speed is revealed in MB/s.

Benchmark programs usually measure theoretical top speeds of devices. On the contrary Vovsoft RAM Benchmark measures the real-world speeds by allowing the user to change block size parameter. This program can write and read a huge memory block. If the memory has an issue, the performance will be degraded, as it is in real life.

51 Rated
Operating system Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
License freeware
Language English
Latest updates
File size 2.5 Mb
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